Two American soldiers were arrested for selling drugs from the dark network

Two members of the American service arrested a young fugitive in Mola and accused him of killing two people.
Police found LSD 55 and more looking for headquarters in New York a few days later
Molly Capsule.

According to the complaint, murder expert G Lagaria handed cocaine and LSD to the informer.
for personal use last year. The butcher told the informer that he had received drugs in a dark place on the Internet.

The applicants, found guilty of a federal drug trafficking tax, agreed to cooperate with the law.
application instead of immunity from fines. Then an unknown butcher, an informer, turned to the phone’s log
and drugs according to the federal model.

On August 31, 2018, Tertor and a secret detective visited a Manhattan nightclub and met a first-class personal arsonist.
Howell, based in Fort Drum, New York. The next day, Howell had to buy 57 molly capsules at the slaughterhouse.

The victim was reported to have taken Howell’s medication and eaten some before arriving at the electric zoo. Finished
Two days later, he went to a hospital in Manhattan.

At the end of the festival, Slahabter announced in Mali and LSD that they were selling the drug and still selling it.
I have no reason to. In response to the complaint, Howell purchased two concerned sites from a professional breeder.
He was a Pharisee. Howell said in the interview that the victim died because he was taking various drugs
Holidays, but it failed to rain.

In October 2018, interviewer Sla Sla discussed Howell’s conversation with her and the woman’s development. one
In response, Slappy asked him to delete a text message related to his phone.

On April 24, authorities searched the wall of the Fort Drum massacre and found 55 LSD, 10 tribes.
Molly, psilocybin fungi and CDs. Messages sent from the Army Corps
Deliver hundreds of Molly Capsule ads to other channel members.

It is known that Lacaria Slater and Tanner Howell prescribe rat poison to a young amateur sex worker, which is explicit and
United States. Prosecutor Jeffrey Berman said he still uses Mali and other drugs. It is a pity that this is not the first time in
my office
He blamed the local people at the fire station.

On Sunday, it was a summer trip with LSD and many things, many firefighters followed.
We need to distribute money. In both cases, the maximum sentence was 20 years in prison.

Howell’s job is to look for loans and meet demand for money, which is a big leap.
20 years in prison

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